architekt – Compile Android ROMs with Windows/Mac OSX

architekt is a custom Virtual Machine that can be used with Mac OSX, Windows, and Linux. It includes everything you need to sync with the repo of your choice (Cyanogenmod, AOKP, AOSP, etc) and start building ROMs from source. This version includes Java 6 for compiling Gingerbread thru Kitkat. To compile Android L, switch to OpenJDK7.


– Arch base system
– XFCE Desktop Environment
– All necessary packages for compiling
– No junk (games, etc)
– Geany for editing code

The only requirement is that your host machine supports a 64 bit OS. 32 bit systems will not work!


1. Download and install VirtualBox for your host system from here.
2. Download the latest architekt zip archive and extract architekt.ova to your hard drive.
3. Start VB, click File > Import Appliance. Select “Open Appliance” and choose architekt.ova, then click Next to import the virtual machine.
4. Highlight architekt in VirtualBox Manager and open Settings. Under “System” you will want to give it more RAM and Processor Cores. The higher these values are, the faster you will compile ROMs.
5. Start the machine, pull up a terminal and initialize a git repo. Once the source is finished downloading, you’re ready to go!


Architekt via Mega.CO.NZ

architekt.mega (2046 downloads )


Architekt via Google Drive (13550 downloads )


Username/Password: android/android

md5sum: aa9a4fb8cc1861b635f70f1fdb933bc4

If you like my work, feel free to buy me a coconut water (donate). It would be greatly appreciated!


    1. I wouldn’t say it’s “better” exactly, but I bit more pure maybe.

      Arch Linux is a bit on the intermediate/advanced side, compared to Ubuntu which is a somewhat lower-impact entry into open source operating systems.

      Some users prefer Arch for its flexibility and rolling-release status, and it was a fun experiment I decided to try after random forum discussion.

  1. Please tell me how to swtice jdk6 to jdk7?]sudo apt-get purge openjdk-\* icedtea-\* icedtea6-\*
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre
    this commends are not working “command not found”.And also can”T extract file or edit any xml file.

    1. Those commands are for debian based systems. If you’re using architekt, it’s going to be an entirely different set. Try searching Google first.

      By the way, I haven’t updated this project in quite a while, nor do I have any plans to do so. You might want to try BuilduntuVM.

  2. hi
    I had installed virtual box and imported architekt, and started it but when username and password comes, I can write the username but when trying to write password the keys don’t work (no keys will come), then when I hit enter it shows login incorrect.

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