1. Howdy! Liked to ask if you ever need “seeder” for files just hook me up ! (100mbps)
    My motivation only is that I like the stuff you do haha 🙂

    1. Thanks! I will definitely be in touch. I have been working a ton lately, but hopefully will find time soon to release a new BuilduntuVM and ISO.


  2. downloaded the latest 2.0 version and am unable to import OVF file into Vmware Fusion 8.5.1. I receive the following errors:
    Line 77: Unsupported element ‘StorageItem’.
    Line 86: Unsupported element ‘StorageItem’.

    Line 95: Unsupported element ‘EthernetPortItem’

    any assistance would be greatly appreciated

    1. Folks,
      For anybody trying to run this on VMWare, there is an easy way to resolve this issue. Instead of trying to import/convert the ovf file, just add/create a custom linux Ubuntu VM from within Fusion accepting defaults, then specify an existing virtual disk. Now choose the .vmdk file that is included in the download and start it up. Guest OS should now boot up! Once booted there is a small issue of the VBox guest additions trying to run. Once the system is operational, open up a terminal window and then run this command as root “/opt/[VboxAddonsFolder]/uninstall.sh” where VboxAddonsFolder is replaced with the version of the guest add ons. This will uninstall the add ons and you should be good to go. Hope this helps someone else.

      1. One more thing, you can then apt-get install both open-vm-tools & open-vm-tools-desktop. This will allow you to resize your desktop and interact with the VMWare host system.

      2. I get the following errors when trying to start up the Ubuntu VM I added the disk to:

        Unsupported or invalid disk type 22 for ‘scsi0:1’. Ensure that the disk has been imported.
        Unable to create virtual SCSI device for ‘scsi0:1’ (/vmfs/volumes/…/builduntuvm-disk1.vmdk).

        1. Ah, according to this article (https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1028943):

          This issue occurs if a virtual machine that is meant for VMware Hosted products such as VMware Workstation, VMware Player or VMware Fusion is powered-on on an ESX/ESXi host.
          The underlying format used to store virtual machines on VMware Hosted products differs from the format used to store virtual machines on ESX/ESXi hosts.

          Connect to the ESXi host and run the vmkfstools command to convert the disk.

  3. I can not download builduntuvm2.0 from torrent or google drive, could you upload a new link? thank you very much!

    1. Sure, I’ll have a look. I think gdrive changed a sharing policy recently, I may have to make a new link.

      This project could also use an update. I’ll see if I can make time to release a new version at some point.


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